Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gratitude - What are you thankful for today ?

The last couple of mornings I slept in - Alarm set for 5:30-6:00 am but I hit that blessed snooze button until around 7:00am. As I laid in bed I started to give thanks for the people and things I'm grateful for starting with my relationship with God, my wife and children, our health and the many blessings we have as well as the challenges we face. Just a moment or two on each person to say Thank You and send a great thought to them, a wish of good health and happiness.

I thought about the wonderful people in our lives, the friends we cherish, the ones we miss and the ones we're re-connecting with. I receive this sense of peace and happiness and every time I do this, I seem to get centered and focused and I realize how connected we really are even when we feel alone. I think it has a bit to do with clearing out the meaningless mind chatter, being receptive and the mastermind principle that Napoleon Hill talks so much about.

It's interesting how I seem to meet the most amazing people when I have this feeling of gratefulness - this week I had coffee with a wonderful lady, she's experiencing some major challenges right now but her belief, desire ,caring nature and drive to make a difference tell me that this is a time of renewal and growth and that when this passes she'll be stronger, reach higher and make an even larger impact.

I've been and am so very blessed to have many people in my life I'm grateful for and I'm thankful that I keep meeting more. In my business I've found some of the most giving and gracious people that helped me learn and grow - both as a person and a professional. I'm grateful for them and the mentoring and mastermind group they've created - amazing to me how much I've learned and that they've opened it to anyone. It shows they understand the principle of gratitude and team work. We can help more people, accomplish more ourselves, grow faster in development as a group with no agendas, no surprises and with people from many companies and places all focused together on making a difference.

There are few things greater than a group of like minded people all focused on the same task - when that kind of synergy takes place, mountains can be moved and the world changed.

We easily recognize these grateful people as we meet them - they have an authenticity about them that makes it easy to talk and share. I hope you take a few minutes to think about what and who your grateful for and to say " Thank You - you've made a difference in my life "

Kyle Steiner
612-220-6912 - to see the book that introduced me to this group...

As I was finishing this post, my two year old woke, so I peeked in on her, got a great big smile - picked her up and got our good morning hug. I put her on the potty and woke my five year old (tried too at least - he likes to linger in bed) and as I was waking the six year old, the two year old peed on her floor. Missed a step somewhere - didn't I. Nonetheless. I'm so grateful for the mornings I get with my family, even when things get messy, because there's nothing in the world like tickling my kids into wakefulness, the smile on their faces (most of the time),and the lessons learned about putting your books where they can't be peed on -lol.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Truth on MLM Today...

The Truth on MLM today ...

The truth on MLM is really quite simple. Multi Level Marketing is simply recommending and promoting something you like to others. All of us do this every day and it's easy and fun. Sharing things that will help others and that they enjoy makes us feel good. Some people collect a check for doing it while others do it for free and that's O K.

The main problem with MLM isn't unique to Network Marketing - it's a lack of skills, training and duplicable systems. It's not the way people are compensated but the ease of entry that promotes a casual attitude, lack of skills, and ease of exit. Many people get involved in their own business and never learn the skills that are important to have success.

In fact I can prove to them that their lack of success wasn't their fault and I can do in in minutes.. They are told to call friends and family or to buy leads when in reality, many of your friends and family aren't interested in what you do or share and the leads are a waste of time and money. The people teaching that are just parroting what they've been told and since there is such a high turnover, many people think it's their fault and quit. That's wrong and so very, very sad because when this business is done correctly, a person can begin part time without interfering drastically with their life. They can build it slowly over a 2-3 year period and in the right company replace their non-MLM income, pay off their debts and really own their life.

Another serious problem is the business model of some companies that stress recruiting new distributors vs retail sales. Anytime you are paid directly for recruiting someone vs receiving commission for the products they purchase, it's not MLM, its Illegal. That company will not be in business long and depending on how its structured could cause the distributor some legal troubles as well. Other legitimate companies really stress recruit, recruit, recruit – this is obvious by the particular compensation plan they use and how many hoops the average person needs to jump through to make a check.

The two easiest questions to ask yourself are – how many people in my group will I need to make $10,000 and would any rational person buy this product if their was no income opportunity attached to it. I know of a company that takes 300-500 people and others that take 3000-10000 and if the answer to the second question is NO, then run...

The truth on MLM is that just like traditional business - there are good, bad and ugly companies out there and its up to you to learn the skills to know which is which. Take a little extra time now to save yourself years of failure and frustration.

To see the most truthful and direct book in MLM and to begin the education that may be the most profitable of your career check out

Kyle Steiner
612-220-6912 anytime