Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's All about Timing !!!!


Some days we have it and some days we don't.

For instance , seconds could be the difference in a great or poor result when talking to a prospect, you call at 8:00 am after they had car trouble and we're late to work - they are stressed and upset, not good timing. At 8:05 after getting fired for being late again, they may be much more motivated to talk with you. By 9:30 they find out they won the lottery - again not interested.

Things change and we don't know whats going on in their lives, if they don't return your calls, it could be that they've been on Safari for a month or building churches overseas - don't assume they not interested and don't make it a big deal. It's all about timing...

For our business we need to stay plugged in and connected, we need to be available for them when the timing is right - for them.... Our timing and wants cannot enter the picture and for the most it's not important to them.

I've learned that simply being available to help with no agenda and no timeline is critical to being a good coach and friend. Being receptive to the great people I'm meeting and helping when the timing is right for them assures a great outcome for everyone. I'll be here to help them and who knows - maybe the time will be right for you.

When we can help people with the skills to be successful especially after they've tried other programs - after they've bought worthless leads, learned sales skills that don't work in Network Marketing ( at least in duplication- I'm not looking for a one time sale, are you), wasted time money and energy trying to build six different businesses - when they finally find us and realize that there is help out there with no strings attached - when the timing is right for them, it's a wonderful feeling to be able to help....

Timing - I've got good timing, I asked my wife to play pool at the right time, I play with the kids often, meet great people when we travel and found Mentoring for Free early in my career - If your reading this then I think your timing just might be pretty good.

I Appreciate You and hey leave a comment - lets me know what to work on....

Kyle Steiner
612-220-6912 - call anytime
http://www.mentorkyle.info/ - to see the book that opened my eyes...

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