Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Why - The Way - And The How ....

Hi all,

Thanks for joining me today - I'd like to briefly share a few suggestions.

1. First, you have to have a great reason for why your building a business. Your Why determines what you'll do to make it happen... If you have a really strong Why - the bumps in the road will not stop you.

My Why is to never need to depend on anyone outside my team for income or support, to have the time and income to be with my family, to raise my children, coach the teams, to make every school function, to take my wife around the world, and to have fun and be happy without the financial stress and worry.

2. You need to put down on paper goals you want to reach. You must have a target to aim at - just putting down get rich or lots of free time doesn't do the trick. Be specific on how long, how much, where , when etc... Make it a stretch but if you've never made more than $5000/month don't make you're immediate goal $20,ooo/month - you'll not likely take the actions needed to begin to change.
"To make more - you need to become more" you need to grow as a person, and as a leader by gaining skills.

3. Action - What will you do to achieve those goals ? How many people will you help -who will you impact - what will you do.

The biggest key is to be present - be here in 12 mo - 24 mo - 36mo - never quit, you never know who's going to get lit it and help you reach the top and you'll never find out if you quit... If you find serious builder a year you could be amazingly successful - its more fun if its a little faster though...

4. Skills - Without the proper skills it doesn't matter how motivated you are, how many goals you create or how much action you take - Knowing what to do and say make all the difference and being able to teach that to others is the key...

I found the skills training and support I needed from a free and generic training program called Mentoring For Free. Any company, any program are welcome Its a safe place to learn - No products or companies are mentioned, just a good honest look at this industry and what really works by a 30 year veteran. By the way - we suggest you quit bugging freinds and family and for goodness sake stop stuffing your products and opportunities down people throats - It just doesn't work well unless you like to do it alot and take lots of abuse ?

It starts with a free e-book called Success in 10 Steps that you can download here - http://www.mentorkyle.info/ - Check it out, if it makes sense we'll talk and see what we can do to help - if it doesn't then click that red X in the corner to make it go away...

Looking forward to talking soon - feel free to call anytime...
Kyle Steiner
http://www.mentorkyle.info/ - to see the big guys helping me help others....

1 comment:

  1. Kyle,
    This was very well written and couldn't be more true! Thank you for sharing such awesome information with us! I loved reading it and it made me stop and really look at my goals. Thanks a billion!!
